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Wine gift for wine lovers, wine educationTo Your Taste!® is a great way to learn about wine and have fun with your friends. Wondering what all the fuss is about and why wine is becoming so popular? This is a good way to get started. Makes a great gift for any wine novice!

If you believe that a meal without wine is called "breakfast," then TYT is for you! Take your enjoyment of wine to the next level. Have wine-tasting parties, or just play the wine games to gain confidence in buying wine, drinking it, or just talking about it.

Are you a member of a wine-tasting club? Use To Your Taste!® at your next club event. You and your fellow members will experience a new way to taste and evaluate wine. And if your club has a Web site or blog, post the outrageous wine reviews you "write" when playing Review It! 

To Your Taste!® is a great tool for wine educators. If you provide wine education to consumers, servers, buyers, or sales staff, use the wine games as your foundation skills course. Once your students know the basic skills (especially how to identify a flawed or defective bottle of wine), then you can build their wine knowledge from there.

Are you a wine collector? Do you have a wine cellar? Do you like to entertain in your home and share wines from your cellar with your guests? Share your passion for wine and help your guests learn about wine at the same time. Use To Your Taste!® and have some great wine-tasting parties using wines you know and love. Impress and delight your guests with your wine knowledge and passion for wine!